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Anh Nghi Sơn là đại lý chính thức phân phối Vaisala tại Việt Nam
Vaisala là dòng sản phẩm chuyên về thiết bị đo điểm sương, thiết bị đo độ ẩm, độ ẩm trong dầu, cảm biến bề mặt, Handheld Dewpoint , Humidity and Temperature Transmitters, Dew Point Transmitter, Dew Point and Temperature Meter

sản phẩm chi tiết dòng DMT152 : xem tại đây
Vaisala Vietnam
Code: HMD60T
Temperature Transmitter, 2-wire
Vaisala Vietnam
Code: HMD60U
Humidity Transmitter, 2-wire
Vaisala Vietnam
Code: HMW92D
Humidity and Temperature Transmitter, 2-wire with Display Cover
Vaisala Vietnam
Humidity and Temperature Transmitter
Code: HMT330 7S1D011BXAA100A45CQBAA1
Transmitter type: HMT337 for high humidities
Probe cables: Probe 2m +180C
Additional temperature probe: T-probe, 2m, -70..+180°C 1/4 DIN Class B; Calculations: Cod RH+T+Td+a+Tw+x+h+pws With warmed RH-pro+T-pro ; No Display
Power supply: Standard with Galvanic Isolation Module
Signal output: Analog Output 4...20mA
Analog output signals for Ch1: 0...100%RH
Analog output signals for Ch2: Special – pls confirm and make clear as order ; No Analog output signals for Ch3
Analog output range for temperature: no T range
Output units: Metric Units; No Option for module slot 1&2
Cable bushings: Sealed Cable Gland M20x1.5
Transmitter installation: DIN Rail Clips with Installation Plate
Humidity sensor: Heated composite sensor HUMICAP180C
Sensor protection: Sintered Filter AISI 316L HM47280
Installation kit for probe: Swagelok for 12mm Probe 1/2" NPT Thread ; User´s Guide HMT330 English
No PC Accessories ; No Calibration Contract ISO9001 Calibration
Vaisala Vietnam
Correct Code: DMT152A1DCE1XA33EA1X
Low Dewpoint Transmitter
Mechanical connection: DMT152 Metal ISO 1/2" Thread
Measurement parameters: Td/f, ppm
Analog output Ch1 & Ch2 + RS-485 as standard: Analog Output 4...20mA
Analog output parameter or function for Ch1: Td Range Td-100...0C -148...+32F
Analog output parameter or function for Ch2: ppm 0...500ppm
Output units: Metric Units
Pressure Setting for ppm Calculation: Special Pressure Max 50 bar(a)
Sensor Protection: Mesh Filter 18um Stainless Steel
Cable for Analog Outputs and Power Supply (Port 1): Shielded Cable, 3.0m, 4-pin M8 Female Straight
Cable for RS485 Line and Power Supply (Port 2): Cable 3m 4-pin M8 Female Straight
Installation Accessories ONLY for ISO 1/2" Thread: Sampling Cell+Connectors DMT242SC2
Special Features: Plastic Label 1180, 48+3mm, ZZ-Polyest
Package: Cardboard Box; Quick Reference Guide DMT152